TM 5-3805-258-24-1OPERATOR’S STATIONINDIVIDUAL ClRCUIT DESCRIPTIONC. Parking Brake (Transmission in Neutral)The parking brake circuit has a normally open 9G8009 Pressure Switch inthe air line to the parking brakes. When the pressure in the air line to release theparking brakes is over approximately 517 kPa (75 psi), the switch is closed andthe parking brake indicator on the operator panel is OFF. If the air pressuregoes below approximately 448 kPa (65 psi), because of an application of theparking brake or because of a loss of system pressure, the switch opens and theindicator on the operator panel turns ON. The circuit connects to Pin 19 of theoperator panel.SYSTEMS OPERATIONP A R K I N G B R A K E S W I T CH1. Parking brake “ON” switch.P A R K I N G B R A K E I N D I C A T OR2. Parking brake indicator.Parking Brake Pressure Circuit3-152
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