OPERATOR’S STATIONINDIVIDUAL CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONTM 5-3805-258-24-1SYSTEMS OPERATIONCIGAR LIGHTERThe cigar lighter is located in the dash, on the left hand side. It gets powerfrom the 10 amp fuse marked “CIGAR LIGHTER” on the fuse panel underthe instrument panel. The voltage drop resistor drops the voltage to the correctvalue for the 12 volt cigar lighter.Cigar Lighter CircuitSTARTING AID CIRCUITThe starting aid circuit has a switch on the instrument panel. There is also a6N5899 Temperature Switch in the circuit. The temperature switch openswhen the engine temperature goes above 38°C (100°F) and closes when thetemperature goes below 27°C (80°F). The power for the starting aid circuitcomes from the 10 amp fuse marked “HR METER & START AID” on thefuse panel under the instrument panel.When the starting aid switch is pushed, power is sent to the solenoid of theether start valve assembly. If the temperature switch is closed it makes a groundfor the circuit, the solenoid is activated, and the valve assembly sends a specificvolume of ether to the engine. The temperature switch opens (when the engine ishot) so that ether can not be put in a hot engine.Starting Aid Circuit3-179
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