TM 5-3805-258-24-1T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GDefect InDefect in10. OIL IN COOLING SYSTEMCauseCorrectionCore of Oil CoolerInstall a new core in the oil cooler.Head GasketInstall a new head gasket.11. MECHANICAL NOISE (KNOCK) IN ENGINECauseCorrectionFailure of Bearing For ConnectingInspect the bearing for the connecting rod and the bearing surface onRodthe crankshaft. Install new parts when necessary.Damage to Timing GearsInstall new parts where necessary.Damage to CrankshaftMake replacement of the crankshaft.CauseFuel System Leaks12. FUEL CONSUMPTION TOO HIGHCorrectionLarge changes in fuel consumption maybe the result. Inspect the fuelsystem for leaks and make repairs as necessary.Fuel and Combustion Noise (Knock)Small increases in fuel consumption maybe the result of fuel nozzleswith defects, rough running, or factors causing loss of power. SeeItem 3 and Item 6.Wrong Fuel Injection TimingMake an adjustment to fuel injection timing.13. LOUD NOISE FROM VALVES OR VALVE DRIVE COMPONENTSCauseCorrectionDamage to Valve Spring(s)Make replacement of parts with damage.Damage to CamshaftMake replacement of parts with damage. Clean engine thoroughly.Damage to Valve LifterClean engine thoroughly. Make a replacement of the camshaft andvalve lifters. Look for valves that do not move freely. Make anadjustment to valve clearance, See the Subject VALVE CLEAR-ANCE in Testing and Adjusting.Damage to Valve(s)Make a replacement of the valve(s) and make an adjustment asnecessary.4-88
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