TM 5-3805-258-24-1T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N G23. ENGINE USES TOO MUCH LUBRICATION OILCauseCorrectionToo Much Lubrication Oil in EngineRemove extra oil. Find where extra oil comes from. Put correctamount of oil in engine. Do not put too much oil in engine.Oil LeaksFind all oil leaks. Make repairs as needed.Oil Temperature is Too HighCheck operation of oil cooler. Install new parts if necessary. Cleanthe core of the oil cooler.Too much Oil in ValveMake Reference to Item 16.CompartmentWorn Valve GuidesMake Reference to Item 16.Worn Piston Rings and CylinderInstall new parts if necessary.LinersFailure of Seal Rings inCheck inlet manifold for oil and make repair to turbocharger ifTurbochargernecessary.24. ENGINE COOLANT IS TOO HOTCauseRestriction To Air Flow ThroughRadiator or Restriction To Flow OfCoolant Through the RadiatorNot Enough Coolant in SystemPressure Cap Has a DefectCombustion Gases in CoolantWater Temperature Regulator(Thermostat) or TemperatureGauge Has A DefectWater Pump Has a DefectToo Much Load On The SystemWrong Fuel Injection TimingCorrectionRemove all restrictions to flow.Add coolant to cooling system.Check operation of pressure cap. Install a new pressure cap ifnecessary.Find out where gases get into the cooling system. Make repairs asneeded.Check water temperature regulator for correct operation. Checktemperature gauge operation. Install new parts as necessary.Make repairs to the water pump as necessary.Make a reduction in the load.Make adjustment to timing.4-92
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