TM 5-3805-258-24-1T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GPROBLEM: Low pressure at pressure taps for P1 (speed)and P2 (direction) clutches in all speeds anddirections.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Operation of modulation relief valve not correct.2. Operation of load piston not correct.PROBLEM: Low pressure at P2 clutch pressure tap in RE-VERSE speeds.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Too much leakage in the No. 1 clutch.PROBLEM: Low pressure at P2 clutch pressure tap inFORWARD speed.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Too much leakage in the No. 2 clutch.PROBLEM: Transmission stays engaged when the leftbrake pedal is pushed.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Failure in transmission neutralizer valve.PROBLEM: Pump noise not normal.PROBABLE CAUSE:1.2.3.Loud sounds at short intervals that give an indi-cation that particles are going through the pumpis caused by pump cavitation.A constant loud noise is an indication of pumpfailure.Air at the inlet side of the pump (aeration).PROBLEM: Transmission selection lever does not stay ina direction with the engine running and park-ing brake “OFF”.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Failure in transmission neutralizer group.2. No air pressure to transmission neutralizer group.PROBLEM: Back-up alarm does not sound whan selectionlever is put in REVERSE.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Adjustment of direction control linkage not correct.2. Failure of back-up alarm switch.3. Failure of back-up alarm.4. Failure in the wiring of back-up alarm circuit.T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GPROBLEM: With the engine running and the parkingbrake “ON”, the alarm does not sound whentransmission selection lever is put in adirection.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Adjustment of direction control linkage not correct.2. Operation of transmission neutralizer group notcorrect.3. Failure of transmission neutralizer switch.4. Failure of alarm.5. Failure in the wiring of the warning system.PROBLEM: With the engine running and the parkingbrake “ON”, the transmission selection leverdoes not return to NEUTRAL when put in adirection.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Failure in transmission neutralizer group.2. Failure in parking brake system.Torque ConverterPROBLEM: Torque converter gets hot.PROBABLE CAUSE: oil level in transfer gear case.Low water level in engine radiator.Restrictions in oil cooler or oil lines.Too much operation of machine at orspeed (overload).near stallToo much oil in the converter housing around theconverter because of:a. Too much oil leakage inside the converter.b. Ratio valve for the torque converter does notmove (too much inlet oil).Not enough oil to the converter because of:a. Ratio valve for the torque converter does notmove (not enough inlet oil).b. Oil pump failure.c. Too much leakage in transmission.PROBLEM: High pressure at converter outlet relief valve tap.PROBABLE CAUSE:1. Adjustment of converter outlet relief valve notcorrect.2. Valve spool in outlet relief valve does not move.4-98
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