T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GPOWER TRAIN TROUBLESHOOTINGTM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A I NUse this as a reference for the location and correc-tion of problems in the power train. When morechecks are necessary, use the 5P6225 Hydraulic TestBox. Locations of the pressure taps and proceduresfor tests and adjustments are given in the 950BPOWER SHIFT TRANSMISSION TESTING ANDADJUSTING.Always make visual checks first, operation checkssecond, and instrument checks third.VISUAL CHECKS1. the oil level in the differentials.Check the oil level in the output transfer gearcase.Check all oil lines, hoses and connections forleaks or damage.Check all external valves for leaks or damage.Check for oil on the ground under the machine.Check the transmission control linkage for dam-age and/or adjustment.Let the oil out of the housing for the transmissionoil filter. Remove and check the filter elementfor foreign mterial.a. Shiny steel particles give the indication ofwear and/or failure in the oil pump.b. Aluminum particles give the indication of afailure in the torque converter.c. Rubber particles (seal or hose material) givethe indication of a hose or seal failure.d. A heavy accumulation of black rubber mater-CHECKS DURING OPERATIONe.ial on the filter element gives the indication ofworn clutch discs in the transmission.Iron or steel chips give the indication of bro-ken components in the transmission, torqueconverter or transfer gears.Let the oil out of the case for the output transfergears. Remove and check the magnetic screenfor foreign material.a. Iron or steel chips give the indication of bro-ken components in the transmission, torqueconverter or transfer gears.b. Aluminum chips give the indication of a fai-lure in the torque converter.c. Rubber particles (seal or hose material) givethe indication of a hose or seal failure.d. Rubber pieces (transmission clutch disc ma-terial) give the indication of a failure in thetransmission clutches.If you find rubber, aluminum, iron or steel parti-cles, all components of the hydraulic system must bewashed clean. Do not use parts with damage. Usenew parts.WARNINGWhen checks are made while the machine is inoperation, make sure only approved personnelare on the machine. Keep other personnel offthe machine and in view of the operator. Makesure checks are done in a open area.With the engine running, the parking brake“OFF” and the steering column toward the operator,move the transmission selection lever to all positions.The transmission must engage in all positions. Themachine must not move in NEUTRAL. The selectionlever must stay in either FORWARD or REVERSE.With the engine running, the parking brake “ON”and the steering column toward the operator, movethe transmission selection lever to either the RE-VERSE or FORWARD position. The parking brakeindicator light and the master fault light must come“ON” and the alarm must sound. Immediately re-lease the selection lever. The alarm must stop and themaster fault light must go “OFF”, and the leverreturn to NEUTRAL.CAUTIONWith the parking brake ENGAGED, move themachine in case of an emergency only. Fire anddamage to the parking brake can be the resultif the machine is moved too far.4-95
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