TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GCheck for continuity through the switch with an 8S4627 Circuit Tester.ContinuityNo ContinuityGo to Step 2.Replace the switch.2. Check for continuity from the switch to machine ground.ContinuityNo ContinuityGo to Step 3.IRepair or replace the harness or connect a groundwire from the switch to machine ground.3. Connect the control wire to the switch again. Disconnect the harness plugfrom the operator panel. Check for continuity between the sockets that follow:HYDRAULIC OILENGINE COOLANTTRANSMISSION OILTEMPERATURETEMPERATURETEMPERATUREContinuityNo ContinuityReplace the operator panel.Use the electrical schematic or the simplified sche-matics to find the harness with an open (broken)wire. Repair or replace the harness.PROBLEM B: Alternator Indicator ON1. If alternator indicatorIndicator Turns OFFTROUBLESHOOTINGis ON, increase engine speed.Indicator Does NOT Turn OFFTighten alternator belt and check indicator again.Go to Step 2.2. Make a check of the alternator output at the “R” terminal. For the alternatorindicator to be OFF, the operator panel must have 10 volts or more to Socket 3.Voltage Output Is CorrectVoltage Output Is Not CorrectReplace the operator panel.Repair or replace the alternator.4-122
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