TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I NGParking Brake Indicator1. Remove the Y/DK BL wire from the 9G8009 Parking Brake PressureSwitch. Use an 8S4627 Circuit Tester to check for continuity across the switch.There must be continuity with the parking brake not engaged.ContinuityNo ContinuityThe switch is good. Go to Step 2.Replace the switch.2. Check continuity from the switch to machine ground with an 8S4627 CircuitTester.ContinuityNo ContinuityThe ground connection is good. Go to Step 3.Repair or replace the harness or fasten a ground wirefrom the switch to machine ground.3. Connect the Y/DK BL wire to the switch again. Disconnect the harness plugfrom the operator panel. Check for continuity between Sockets 2 and 19 in theharness plug with an 8S4627 Circuit Tester. Socket 2 is the ground connectionfor the operator panel and Socket 19 goes to the parking brake pressure switch.ContinuityNo ContinuityThe harness is good. Replace the operator panel.Use the electrical schematic or simplified schematicto find the harness with an open wire. Repair orreplace the harness.4-118
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