VEHICLE SYSTEMSTM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYPILOT AND HYDRAULIC PUMP6. Install inserts (7) and vanes (8) in rotor (6).The sharp edge of the vanes must be in thesame direction as the arrow on the rotor.7. Put rotor assembly (9) in position in ring (5).Make sure that the sharp edge of the vanes andthe arrow on the chamfer are in the same direc-tion.8.9.Put plate (10) in position on the cartridgeassembly. Make sure the brass side of the plateis toward the rotor assembly. Also make surethe notches on outside diameters of plates (4)and (10) are in alignment. Make an alignmentof these notches with the chamfers on ring (5).Put the O-ring seals in position in the plasticseals. Install seal assemblies (11) on plate (12)with the O-ring side of seal toward plate (12).5-403
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