TM 5-3805-258-24-2ENGINE8. Fasten strap (13)DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYRADIATOR, OIL COOLER AND GUARDModels 950BNS and 950BSand a hoist to fan assembly(11) and remove bolts (12).CAUTIONDo not damage the radiator core with the fanassembly when fan is disconnected from thefan drive.9. Carefully lower fan assembly (11) into the ra-diator guard.10. Fasten strap (14) and a hoist to grille (15).Remove the bolts and grille (15) from theguard. The weight of the grille is 23 kg (50 lb.).11. Fasten tool (A), straps (16) and a hoist toradiator, oil cooler and guard (17) as shown.12. Remove six bolts (18) that hold the guard to theframe.NOTE: Two bolts are behind the rear lights.13. Remove radiator, oil cooler and guard (17)from the machine. The weight of the guardassembly is 499 kg (1100 lb.).5-40
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