TM 5-3805-262-103-5. TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION11. EXCESSIVE ENGINE EXHAUST SMOKEStep 1.Check if restriction indicator red band isvisible.a. If red band is visible, pressreset button on top of indicatorand check that red band disap-pears from view. (If red banddoes not disappear from view,notify organizational mainte-nance that restriction indicatoris defective.)Crank engine and check if redband reappears; if red band isvisible, service air cleaner.b. If red band is not visible, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Check if fuel tank contains proper grade of fuel (notify organiza-tional maintenance).Notify organizational maintenance.12. BATTERIES FAIL TO MAINTAINE CHARGE (VOLTMETER INDICATED LOW ) Step 1.Turn engine off.Unlock and remove engine rearleft side panel.Check alternator drive beltsfor loose condition.Press drive belts in approxi-mate center with your hand.Drive belts should not depressmore than 1/2 inch approxi-mately.a. If you are able to depressalternator drive beltsmore than 1/2 inch, notifyorganizational maintenanceto adjust drive belts.b. If alternator drive beltsare okay, go to step 2 be-low.3-23
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