TM 5-3805-262-20
To prevent foreign matter from entering hydraulic system, plug and cap
tubes and hoses disconnected or removed in following steps.
In following steps, identify and tag all hoses and lines before discon-
necting and removing to aid in installation.
( 1 ) A t e i t h e r l e f t o r r i g h t s i d e o f l o a d e r , l o o s e n t u b e f i t t i n g ( 1 ) a n d d i s-
connect hose (3).
When removing hoses and lines from right tilt cylinder assembly, cut,
remove, and discard tie straps as necessary.
Loosen and disconnect hose fitting (2) and remove hose (3) from loader.
Loosen and disconnect hose fitting (4) from elbow (7).
Loosen tube fitting (5) and disconnect and remove hose (6) from loader.
Remove elbow (7).
Cut, remove, and discard clamp (8) and remove saddle (9).
Loosen tube fitting (10) and remove tube (11).
If necessary, remove two elbows (12) and 0-rings (13). Discard 0-rings.
Repeat steps (1) through (8) above to remove hoses connected to remaining
t i l t c y l i n d e r.