TM 5-3805-262-203-11. LIGHT SYSTEMS TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION5. SERVICE TAIL LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont).S t e p 2 . ( C o n t ) .a. Repair or replace wire or connector as necessary (page 5-168 or5-174).b. If wiring and connectors are okay, remove right instrument panel(page 5-48) and replace vehicle lights switch (page 5-53).Step 3. Disconnect wiring harness pink wire terminal from tail light redwire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers andfirmly pulling them apart.Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassisframe.Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, connect terminals by graspingboth terminals with your fingers, alining, and firmly pushingthem together. Go to step 4 below.b. If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection at pinkwire terminal. Repair or replace wiring or terminal as necessary(page 5-174).Step 4.Place ignition key switch in off position.Disconnect wiring harness black wire terminal from tail light blackwire terminal by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firm-ly pulling them apart.Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassisframe.Multimeter should indicate continuity.a. If multimeter indicates continuity, replace lamp (page 5-105).Connect black wire terminals by grasping both terminals withyour fingers, alining, and firmly pushing them together. If taill i g h t s t i l l d o e s n o t o p e r a t e , r e p l a c e t a i l l i g h t a s s e m b l y ( p a ge5-105).b. If multimeter does not indicate continuity, check wiring harnessconnection between black wire terminal and chassis frame. Repairor replace wiring or terminal as necessary (page 5-168 or5-174).3-85
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