TM 5-3805-262-203-11. LIGHT SYSTEMS TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. FLOOD LIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE (Cont).S t e p 2 . ( C o n t ) .a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, go to step3 below.b. If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiringconnection between flood light switch and vehicle lights switchconnector pin M. Repair or replace wire or connector as neces-sary (page 5-168).c. If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at re-maining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) andreplace flood light switch (page 5-53).Step 3.Behind right instrument panel, connect multimeter between each ter-minal of 10 ampere circuit breaker and cab sheet metal.Check that multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals.a .b .c .If multimeter indicates 24 volts for both terminals, checkwiring connection between 10 ampere circuit breaker and floodlight. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168).If multimeter indicates zero for both terminals, check wiringconnection between flood light switch and 10 ampere circuitb r e a k e r. Repair or replace wire as necessary (page 5-168).If multimeter indicates 24 volts at one terminal and zero at re-maining terminal, remove right instrument panel (page 5-48) andreplace 10 ampere circuit breaker (page 5-53).Step 4.Disconnect wiring harness terminal from wire lead terminal of floodlight by grasping both terminals with your fingers and firmly pull-ing them apart.Connect multimeter between wiring harness terminal and chassisframe.Multimeter should indicate 24 volts.a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s 2 4 v o l t s, replace lamp (page 5-92 or5-102).b. If multimeter indicates zero, check wiring connection betweenflood light wiring harness terminal and 10 ampere circuit break-er behind right instrument panel. Repair or replace wiring asnecessary (page 5-168).3-82
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