TM 5-3805-262-203-19. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESS GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRESSUREBUZZER SOUNDS) (Cont).Step 12.Step 13.Step 14.Step 15.Step 16.(Cont).a . ( C o n t ) .Reconnect parking brake valve hose to straight fitting.Close air reservoir drain valve.Go to step 13 below.b. If air pressure is still low, go to step 14 below.Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm.Check parking brake valve hose connected between declutch treadleand valve and parking brake valve for air leaks. Use soap solutionas necessary.a. If air leaks seen, replace hose (page 7-74).b. If air leaks not seen, troubleshoot parking brake system (page3-112).Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm.Check hoses, lines and fittings between air reservoir and declutchtreadle and valve, and brake treadle and valve and declutch treadleand valve for air leaks. Use soap solution as necessary.a. If air leaks seen, replace parts as necessary (page 7-74).b. If hoses okay, go to step 15 below.With engine operating, apply soap solution around bottom bore oftreadle and valves.Watch for air bubbles.a. If bubbles seen, replacetreadle and valve (page7 - 5 3 ) .b. If bubbles not seen, goto step 16 below.T e l l a s s i s t a n t t o p r e s s t r e a d leand valve down completely whileyou apply soap solution on andaround bottom bore of treadleand valve body.Watch for air bubbles.Repeat for other treadle and valve.3-127
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