TM 5-3805-262-203-19. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. LOW AIR PRESSURE (AIR PRESS GAGE INDICATES IN RED ZONE AND LOW AIR PRESSUREBUZZER SOUNDS) (Cont).S t e p 1 1 . ( C o n t ).a .b.c.(Cont).Hold cap to prevent movment and tighten nut against cap. Checkand be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fitting.Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee.Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installedin pressure protection valve.Loosen and remove 9/16-18 pipe plug installed in hose.Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pres-sure protection valve .Close air reservoir drain valve.If air does not flow from loosened tube fitting, hold cap andloosen nut.Turn cap counterclockwise until air just starts flowing froml o o s e n e d t u b e f i t t i n g.Hold cap to prevent it from moving and tighten nut against cap.Check and be sure air is still flowing from loosened tube fit-t i n g .Tighten loosened tube fitting at tee.Disconnect shop compressed air system hose from elbow installedin pressure protection valve.Loosen and remove 9/16-18 pipe plug installed in hose.Reconnect and tighten hose fitting to elbow installed in pres -sure protection valve .Close air reservoir drain valve.If pressure protection valve cannot be adjusted, replace it(page 7-64).Step 12. Open air reservoir drain valve to drain air.At declutch treadle and valve, loosen and disconnect parking brakev a l v e h o s e f r o m s t r a i g h t f i t t i n g .Install a 7/16-20 cap on straight fitting and a 7/16-20 plug inhose .Close air reservoir drain valve.Start engine and operate at 1000 rpm.See if air pressure is normal.Shut off engine.a. If air pressure is normal, open air reservoir drain valve tod r a i n a i r .Remove 7/16-20 cap and plug from straight fitting and hose.3-126
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