TM 5-3805-262-203-30. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION6. ENGINE STALLS FREQUENTLY OR DOES NOT DEVELOP FULL POWER (Cont).S t e p 9 . ( C o n t ) .Personal injury and property damage can result if loader is allowed tom o v e d u r i n g f o l l o w i n g t e s t s. Press right brake treadle valve fully andhold down to prevent loader movement while transmission is in H range.Don’t permit personnel to stand in front of loader. If loader starts tom o v e , r e l e a s e a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l , s h u t d o w n e n g i n e , a n d r e p a i r b r a kesystem before proceeding.Heat transmission oil:a. Start engine and operate at idle speed.b. Allow air system pressure to build to normal operating pressure(AIR PRESS gage needle indicates in green zone).c. Press and hold down brake treadle valve pedal for remainder ofprocedure.d .Place transmission control lever in H position.e. Press accelerator pedal fully for two minutes.f .Release accelerator pedal and place transmission control leverin N position.g.Press accelerator fully for 30 seconds, then release acceleratorpedal.h.Repeat steps d through g above until CONV TEMP gage pointer is1/8 inch from red zone.Heat hydraulic system oil:a. Apply parking brake andplace transmission controllever in N position.b . P r e s s a c c e l e r a t o r p e d alf u l l y .c. Hold BUCKET control lever inCROWD position for 15 se-conds. Then return BUCKETcontrol lever to NEUT. posi-tion for 15 seconds.d. Repeat step c above untilhydraulic pump outlet tubeis warm to touch, then re-l e a s e a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l.Dial 10 into VTM TEST SELECT switches.Press and release TEST button.Release parking brake.3-232
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