TM 5-3805-262-20
I f n e c e s s a r y , a t f u e l i n j e c t i o n
pump, remove nut (6) and lock
washer (7) and disconnect ball
joint (8). To increase rpm,
turn nut (9) and ball joint
f a r t h e r o f f a c c e l e r a t o r c a b le
(10) threaded shaft; to
decrease rpm, turn nut (9) and
b a l l j o i n t f a r t h e r on
accelerator cable (10) threaded
shaft. Tighten nut (9) against
b a l l j o i n t ( 8 ) .
( 5 ) W h i l e a n a s s i s t a n t s l o w l y d e-
p r e s s e s a c c e l e r a t o r p e d a l u n t il
it contacts capscrew (11) with
engine running, aim flashing
light of stroboscope tachometer
on crankshaft pulley. Adjust
flashing rate of stroboscope
tachometer until crankshaft
pulley appears stationary then
read engine rpm from meter on
stroboscope tachometer. If
stroboscope tachometer is not
available, press tachometer
against engine tachometer drive
shaft. When tachometer pointer
stops moving, note indication .
Remember, tachometer drive
shaft operates at half engine
speed. Double tachometer
indication to obtain engine
rpm. Rpm indication should be
2300 to 2340. If rpm indication
is not as specified, perform
step (6) below otherwise
proceed to step (7) below.
( 6 ) I f n e c e s s a r y , l o o s e n n u t s ( 12
and 13) and turn capscrew (11)
clockwise to increase rpm or
counterclockwise to decrease
rpm when accelerator pedal is
completely depressed. Tighten
nuts (12 and 13) when proper
i n d i c a t i o n i s o b t a i n e d .
(7) Reconnect tachometer cable to tachometer drive assembly (page 5-67).
( 8 ) R e i n s t a l l e n g i n e r i g h t s i d e p a n e l s ( p a g e 9 - 1 7 ).