Replace all parts determined
( 1 ) I n s p e c t h o s e s ( 5 a n d 9 ) f or
nuts (4, 8, 12, and 14) are
TM 5-3805-262-20
to be defective in following steps.
c r a c k s , b r e a k s , o r d e t e r i o r a t i o n . C h e c k t h at
not damaged or deformed.
(2) Inspect sampling valve (1) for cracks, breaks, missing cap or chain, dam-
aged or stripped threads, and hard action when valve is depressed.
( 3 ) I n s p e c t 0 - r i n g s ( 7 a n d 1 1 ) f o r c r a c k s , l o s s o f e l a s t i c i t y , o r d e f o r m a -
t i o n .
(4) Inspect remaining parts for cracks, deformation, and damaged or stripped
t h r e a d s.
( 8)
( 9)
At rear of vehicle, beneath radiator, install elbows (15 and 13) .
Route hose (9) between elbow (15) and transmission port in which connec-
tor (10) will be installed. Connect hose (9) to elbow (15) and tighten
nut (14) securely.
Route hose (5) between elbow (13) and transmission port in which elbow
(6) will be installed. Connect hose (5) to elbow (13) and tighten nut
(12) securely.
At side of transmission, install 0-ring (11) and connector (10) in trans-
m i s s i o n p o r t.
Connect hose (9) to connector (10) and tighten nut (8) securely.
Install 0-ring (7) and elbow (6) in transmission port; position elbow to
enable installation of plate (3), pipe nipple (2), and sampling valve
( 1 ) .
Position plate (3) on elbow (6) then install pipe nipple (2) and sampling
valve (l). Tighten all parts securely. Connect hose (5) to elbow (6) and
t i g h t e n n u t ( 4 ) s e c u r e l y .
Start engine and check transmission oil level (page 6-4); add oil as ne-
c e s s a r y.
Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).