TM 5-3805-262-20INSPECTION (SHEET 3 OF 3)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)I n s t a l l t e e , b u s h i n g , p r e s s u r e s e n d e r , a n d 1 / 2 N P T p i p e p l u g i n a i r r e s-e r v o i r a s s h o w n b e l o w . D o n ’ t r e m o v e p a r t s i n s t a l l e d i n s t e p ( 6 ) a b o v e e x -cept 1/2 NPT pipe plug. Connect multimeter between points shown below.Multimeter should indicate between zero to 6 ohms. If not, replace pres-sure sender.Ensure that drain valve in air reservoir is closed. Connect a source ofcompressed air to tee in which safety valve is installed and slowly in-crease air pressure applied to air reservoir while watching multimeter.With zero psi applied , multimeter should indicate zero to 6 ohms; at 30psi pressure multimeter should indicate 17 to 27 ohms; at 65 psi, 40 to50 ohms; at 90 psi, 60 to 70 ohms; and at 120 psi, 80 to 96 ohms. Discon-nect compressed air source and open drain valve to release air pressure,Replace pressure sender if any of the above indications are not obtained.R e m o v e a l l p a r t s i n s t a l l e d i n a i r r e s e r v o i r.Connect a source of compressed air to check valve asshown. Apply a maximum of 50 psi pressure and checkthat air is vented through check valve. If not, re-place check valve. Disconnect compressed air source.Install adapter in check valve and connect asource of compressed air to adapter as shown.Apply a maximum of 100 psi pressure and checkthat air is not vented through check valve. Ifair is vented, check valve is defective and must7-61
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