TM 5-3805-262-207-3. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM MAINTENANCE (CONT)c. A i r R e s e r v o i r ( c o n t ).INSPECTION(2)(SHEET 2 OF 3)Connect a source of compressed air to 1/4 NPT air hose adapter and pres-surize air reservoir to 100 psi . Immerse air reservoir in a tank of waterand check for air bubbles. Replace air reservoir if air bubbles are seen .( 3)(4)( 5)Remove air reservoir from tank, release air pressure, disconnect airsource, and remove pipe plugs and air hose adapter. Dry air reservoirusing clean cloths.Check pressure sender (11), check valve (2), and safety valve (5) forcracks, breaks, damaged threads, distortion, broken or missing terminals,or other damage. Replace if any of these conditions are seen.Check brackets (22) for cracks, breaks, distortion, or other damage. Re-p l a c e i f n e c e s s a r y .Inspect remaining parts for cracks, breaks, distortion, or damagedthreads; replace as necessary.I n f o l l o w i n g s t e p d o n o t e x c e e d 1 6 0 p s i a i r p r e s s u r e a p p l i e d t o a irr e s e r v o i r .To do so may cause seriousi n j u r y o r d e a t h d u e t o s a f e t yv a l v e m a l f u n c t i o n i n g .I f y o u a r e i n j u r e d , o b t a i n m e d i c a l a i dimmediately.(6)I n s t a l l p i p e p l u g s , t e e,safety valve, and drain valve in air reservoiras shown below. Ensure that drain valve is closed. Connect a source ofcompressed air to tee and pressurize air reservoir to 150 psi while ob-serving safety valve. Safety valve shall bleed off air when 150 ±10 psia i r p r e s s u r e i s r e a c h e d.Open drain valve to release air reservoir airpressure and disconnect compressed air source. If safety valve does noto p e r a t e p r o p e r l y , r e p l a c e i t.7-60
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