TM 5-3805-262-20
( 3)
( 5)
( 8)
( 9)
At bottom of air reservoir, check that drain valve is closed tightly and
s e c u r e l y i n s t a l l e d i n a i r r e s e r v o i r. Tighten if necessary. Visually check
drain valve for cracks or other damage. Replace if cracked or damaged
(page 7-58).
I n s p e c t a i r r e s e r v o i r f o r d e n t s, cracks, or other damage; if any of these
conditions are seen, replace air reservoir (page 7-58).
At right end of air reservoir, check that tee, adapter, bushing, pressure
sender, and air hose are secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Vi-
sually check these parts for cracks or other damage; replace part (page
7-58) if cracked or damaged.
I f a i r h o s e i s c r a c k e d , s p l i t , c h a f e d , or
w o r n , r e p l a c e i t.
Check that hardware securing air reservoir mounting brackets are tight
and not loose. Tighten as necessary.
At left end of air reservoir, check that elbow, check valve, and air hose
are secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Visually check these
parts for cracks or other damage; replace part (page 7-58) if cracked or
damaged. If air hose is cracked, split, chafed , or worn, replace it (page
At top of air reservoir, check that tee, safety valve, and air hose are
secure and not loose. Tighten if necessary. Visually check these parts
for cracks or other damage; replace as necessary (page 7-58). If air hose
i s c r a c k e d , s p l i t , c h a f e d, or worn, replace air hose (page 7-106).
Start and operate engine until AIR PRESS gage located on left instrument
cluster indicates in green area of gage then turn off engine.
Apply soap and water solution to connections at both ends and at top of
a i r r e s e r v o i r .
Check for air leakage as indicated by air bubbles at areas where soap and
w a t e r s o l u t i o n w a s a p p l i e d . I f l e a k a g e i s s e e n , t i g h t e n f i t t i n g s . I f
leakage continues at hose connected at right end of air reservoir, re-
place hose. If leakage continues at other hoses, replace these hoses
(page 7-106) .
(10) Reinstall engine right side panels (page 9-17).