TM 5-3805-262-203-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (NO EXHAUST SMOKE) (Cont) .Step 5.Crack (open) a fuel injector line at fuel injection pump, crank en-gine, and check if fuel is pumped through fuel injection pump.a .b .If fuel is not pumpedthrough fuel injection pump,notify next higher mainte-n a n c e l e v e l ( f u e l i n j e c t i onpump must be replaced).If fuel is pumped throughfuel injection pump, notifynext higher maintenance le-v e l t o c h e c k f u e l i n j e c t o r s .3. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (EXHAUST SMOKE).Step 1.Watch hourmeter/tachometer and record its highest tachometer readingwhile assistant cranks engine using ignition key switch.a .b .If cranking speed is 200rpm minimum, go to step 2below.If cranking speed is lessthan 200 rpm, go to page3-68, starting systemtroubleshooting, MALFUNC-TION 3.3-10
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