TM 5-3805-262-20
b. H o s e s , L i n e s, a n d F i t t i n g s.
(1) Inspection (SHEET 1 OF 3).
This task covers inspection of installed hoses,
lines, and fittings. Properly performed, inspection can quickly pinpoint areas that
may become serious problems dead lining the loader if not located.
PRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Engine left side panels removed (page 9-14).
( a)
( c)
( e)
Open access door in front of loader.
Check that hoses and fittings connected to steering gear (1) are tight
and that oil leakage is not seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten hose
f i t t i n g s a s n e c e s s a r y.
Check hoses connected to steering gear (1) along their entire length for
c r a c k s,
splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage. If any of
these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).
Check that hoses and fittings connected to flow control valve (2) are
tight and that oil leakage is not seen . I f o i l l e a k a g e i s s e e n , t i g h t e n
h o s e f i t t i n g s a s n e c e s s a r y.
Check hoses connected to flow control valve (2) along their entire
length for cracks, splits, worn spots due to chafing, or other damage.
If any of these conditions are seen, replace hose (page 8-14).