TM 5-3805-262-20
( i )
( j )
( l )
Check that oil leakage is not seen at fitting (6), tube (7) connections,
and check valve (8) connections. Tighten fittings or connections as ne-
c e s s a r y.
Check tube (7) along its entire length for cracks, dents, bent condi-
tion, or other damage. Replace (page 8-14) as necessary.
Check that hose (9) connection at flow switch (10) and connections to
bottom of hydraulic oil cooler (11) are tight and that oil leaks are not
seen. If oil leakage is seen, tighten connections.
Cheek hose (9) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots
due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen,
replace hose (page 8-14).
Check that hose (12 and 13)
connections at manifold (14)
a r e t i g h t a n d t h a t o i l l e a ks
are not seen. If oil leakage
is seen, tighten hose clamps .
If tightening hose clamps does
not stop leakage, replace
hoses and clamps (page 8-14).
In engine compartment, check
that tube (16) and hose (15)
connections at steering hy -
d r a u l i c f i l t e r ( 1 7 ) h e a d a re
tight and oil leaks are not
s e e n . T i g h t e n f i t t i n g s i f o il
l e a k s a r e s e e n . I f t i g h t e n i ng
fittings does no good, replace
defective part (page 8-14).
Check tube (16) along its en-
t i r e l e n g t h f o r c r a c k s , d e n t s,
bent condition, or other
damage, Replace (page 8-14) as
n e c e s s a r y .
Check hose (15) along its
e n t i r e l e n g t h f o r c r a c k s ,
splits, worn spots due to
chafing, or other damage. If
any of these conditions are
seen, replace hose (page
8 - 1 4 ) .
I n s t a l l e n g i n e l e f t s i de
panels (page 9-17).