TM 5-3805-290-23-1
0008 00
Table 2. Electrical System Troubleshooting - Continued.
7. Check condenser ground circuit.
1. If continuity is present, replace
21. Condenser Fan is
Inoperative - Continued.
(b) Battery disconnect switch remains 2. If continuity is not present, there is an
in ON position (TM 5-3805-290-
open AC condenser ground circuit.
Replace wiring harness in question
(WP 0169 00 thru WP 0175 00).
between wiring harness pin 2,
circuit 200 (BK), and ground.
1. Determine condition.
1. If front and rear wipers and washers are
22. Wipers/Washers Do Not
all inoperative, go to Test 2.
Operate or Do Not Operate
2. If only front wiper and washer are
inoperative, replace front wiper switch
(WP 0049 00).
3. If front wiper is inoperative on HIGH
SPEED only, go to Test 3.
4. If front wiper is inoperative on LOW
SPEED only, go to Test 5.
5. If front wiper will not park but operates
in both HIGH and LOW speeds, go to
Test 7.
6. If only front wiper is completely
inoperative, go to Test 9.
7. If only front washer is inoperative, go
to Test 11.
8. If only rear wiper and washer are
inoperative, replace rear wiper switch
(WP 0049 00).
9. If rear wiper is inoperative on HIGH
SPEED only, go to Test 15.
10. If rear wiper is inoperative on LOW
SPEED only, go to Test 17.
11. If rear wiper will not park but operates
in both HIGH and LOW speeds, go to
Test 19.
12. If only rear wiper is completely
inoperative, go to Test 21.
13. If only rear washer is inoperative, go to
Test 23.
2. Check wiper fuse (TM 5-3805-290-
1. If fuse is open, replace it.
2. If fuse is OK, there is an open circuit
between wiper fuse and wiper
switches. Replace wiring harness in
question (WP 0169 00 thru WP 0175