TM 5-3805-291-23-1
0008 00
Table 2. Electrical System Troubleshooting - Continued.
4. Check stoplamp switch.
1. If continuity is present, go to Test 5.
All Stoplamps Are
(a) Stoplamp switch remains
2. If continuity is not present, replace
Inoperative - Continued.
disconnected from wiring harness.
stoplamp switch (WP 0064 00).
(b) While pressing and holding brake
pedal, check continuity at
stoplamp switch between wiring
harness pin 1, wire 697 (GN), and
wiring harness pin 2, wire 698
(PU) (switch side).
5. Check main light output circuit.
1. If continuity is present, replace main
(a) Main light switch remains
light switch (WP 0061 00).
disconnected from wiring harness. 2. If continuity is not present, there is an
(b) Stoplamp switch remains
open circuit. Replace wiring harness in
disconnected from wiring harness.
question (WP 0195 00 thru WP 0201
(c) Check continuity at main light
switch between wiring harness pin
A, wire 697 (GN), and stoplamp
switch wiring harness pin 1, wire
697 (GN).
1. Determine condition.
1. If only one taillight is inoperative,
10. One or Both Taillights Are
temporarily swap rear light housing
cover side to side (WP 0070 00). If
problem still exists, there is an open
circuit between rear light housing and
main light switch. Reinstall old cover
and replace wiring housing in question
(WP 0195 00 thru WP 0201 00).
2. If both taillights are inoperative, but all
other rear lights operate correctly, go to
Test 2.
2. Check for open power circuit.
1. If continuity is present, replace main
(a) Disconnect wiring harness from
light switch (WP 0061 00).
rear light housing (WP 0070 00). 2. If continuity is not present, there is an
(b) Disconnect wiring harness from
open circuit between rear light housing
main light switch (WP 0061 00).
and main light switch. Replace wiring
(c) Check continuity between rear
harness in question (WP 0195 00 thru
lamp wiring harness wire 614 (PU)
WP 0201 00).
and main light switch wiring
harness pin H, wire 614 (PU).