TM 5-3805-298-23-2
Table 1. One or Both Front Work Lights Do Not Operate - Continued.
Test Step 17. Test for Open Main Cab
One or Both Front Work
Wiring Harness.
Lights Do Not Operate -
1. Install military light switch
(WP 0257).
2. Disconnect connector HN-C1
(WP 0012, Figure 66) from
connector C-C1 (WP 0012,
Figure 65).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
Replace lower cab wiring harness
between connector HN-C1
(WP 0291).
(WP 0012, Figure 66) terminal 14
Proceed to Test Step 31.
and terminal 13.
Resistance Greater Than 5.0 Ohms
Replace main cab wiring harness
(WP 0293).
Proceed to Test Step 31.
Test Step 18. Test for Lamps Fuse
1. Turn battery disconnect switch and
ignition switch to ON position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
2. Observe operation of front work
Front Work Lights Operate Proceed
lights (TM 5-3805-298-10).
to Test Step 31.
Front Work Lights Do Not Operate
Proceed to step 3.
3. Turn ignition switch and battery
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3805-298-10).
4. Remove lamps fuse from fuse
panel (TM 5-3805-298-10).
lamps fuse (WP 0012, Figure 44,
between terminals of lamps fuse.
Item 8) and proceed to Test Step 31.
Resistance Greater Than 5.0 Ohms
Proceed to Test Step 19.
Test Step 19. Test for Faulty Front
1. Remove front work light relay
(WP 0290).
Proceed to Test Step 20.
between front work light relay
Resistance Less Than 288 Ohms
WP 0012, Figure 182) terminal 86
Replace front work light relay
and terminal 85.
(WP 0290).
Proceed to Test Step 31.