TM 5-3805-298-23-2
Table 1. Quick Coupler Will Not Operate - Continued.
Quick Coupler Will Not
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
Operate - Continued
Proceed to Test Step 12.
between coupler switch (WP 0012,
Figure 213) terminal 3 and
Replace coupler switch (WP 0264).
terminal 2.
Proceed to Test Step 15.
Test Step 12. Test for Open Wiring
1. Connect jumper wire between
terminal 3 and terminal 6 of
connector C-C43 (WP 0012,
Figure 212).
2. Remove right lower cab access
panels (WP 0347).
3. Disconnect connector S-1
(WP 0012, Figure 216) from quick
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
Replace quick coupler control manifold
between connector S-1 (WP 0012,
(WP 0372).
Figure 216) terminal 1 and
Proceed to Test Step 15.
terminal 2.
Proceed to Test Step 13.
Test Step 13. Test for Open Quick
Coupler Wiring Harness.
1. Disconnect connector LE-C6
(WP 0012, Figure 216) from quick
coupler wiring harness (WP 0012,
Figure 215).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
Replace quick coupler control manifold
between connector LE-C6
(WP 0372).
(WP 0012, Figure 216) terminal 3
Proceed to Test Step 15.
and terminal 4.
Proceed to Test Step 14.
Test Step 14. Test for Open Lower
Cab Wiring Harness.
1. Disconnect connector LE-C2
(WP 0012, Figure 152) from
connector C-C9 (WP 0012,
Figure 153).
2. Disconnect connector LE-C1
(WP 0012, Figure 87) from
connector C-C10 (WP 0012,
Figure 86).