TM 5-3805-298-23-4
7. Position steering manifold (Figure 13, Item 10) on machine. Install lower two washers (Figure 13, Item 7) and
bolts (Figure 13, Item 6) on steering manifold (Figure 13, Item 10).
8. Install new O-ring (Figure 13, Item 9) and secondary steering pressure switch (Figure 13, Item 8) on steering
manifold (Figure 13, Item 10).
9. Install upper two washers (Figure 13, Item 4) and bolts (Figure 13, Item 5) on steering manifold
(Figure 13, Item 10).
10. Install new O-ring (Figure 13, Item 3) and fitting (Figure 13, Item 1) on steering manifold (Figure 13, Item 10).
11. Install new O-ring (Figure 13, Item 2) on fitting (Figure 13, Item 1).
Figure 13. Fitting and Secondary Steering Pressure Switch.