TM 55-607/NAVSEA OP 3221 Rev 2
Figure 9-45. Slowing and securing of 500-pound bombs, lower hold No. 3, port cell (hull blocking technique).
as soon as compartment width permits. For en(l loads
(c) Figure 9-46 illustrates stowage of
that do not contact the preceding row, fore-and-aft
500-pound-bomb unit loads in an outer cell of a lower
restraint is provided with 2- by 10-inch nose boarding
hold of a C457 cargo ship. Lower holds in this area are
secured to 4- by 4-inch uprights braced at angles to the
usually of such configuration as to permit the stowage of
additional unit loads in a row as loading progresses
utilization is increased additionally by construction of a
toward wider areas of the compartment. The pallets are
full floor over the first two levels of bombs. The block-
not confined by parallel securing structures, as in full
provides, in effect, a second deck upon which the
individually to utilize the available space more
stowage pattern can be resumed identically. Flooring
efficiently. In working toward the wider part of the
will extend fully to the hull as shown.
compartment, the number of pallets per row is increased