TM 5-2420-231-10
Water And Sediment In Fuel System Check
Fuel is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Avoid contact with eyes, skin,
and clothing. Always wear eye protection and protective gloves when working with fuel.
Avoid repeated/prolonged contact. Use only in ventilated areas. Keep away from open
flames or other sources of ignition. Post FUEL FLAMMABLE/NO SMOKING signs around
area. Make sure fire extinguisher is available. Failure to comply may result in serious injury
or death to personnel.
Check fuel filter every 50 hours or each week.
1. Engage parking brake.
2. Raise engine hood.
3. On left side of the BHL, hold suitable container under fuel filter and loosen drain valve (Figure 4, Item 1).
4. If fuel does not flow, notify field level maintenance.
5. If water or sediment is found, notify field level maintenance.
6. Close drain valve (Figure 4, Item 1).
7. Clean up spills with wiping rag.
8. Close engine hood.
9. Dispose of waste fuel per unit SOP.