TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Table 1. All Lights and Alarm Signal Do Not Function - Continued.
All Lights and Alarm Signal 2. Remove instrument panel front
cover (WP 0174).
Do Not Function - Continued
3. Remove driving lights relay
console wiring harness connector
4. Remove power relay No. 3
console wiring harness connector
continuity between front console
wiring harness (WP 0162).
wiring harness connector
Proceed to Test Step 11.
No Continuity - Proceed to step 6.
and machine ground. There should
be no continuity.
6. Disconnect front console wiring
ure 5) from main chassis wiring
ure 6).
continuity between front console
wiring harness (WP 0162).
wiring harness connector
Proceed to Test Step 11.
No Continuity - Proceed to step 8.
and machine ground. There should
be no continuity.
Figure 76) from front console wir-
Figure 75).
continuity between front console
wiring harness (WP 0162).
wiring harness connector
Proceed to Test Step 11.
No Continuity - Proceed to Test Step 7.
and machine ground. There should
be no continuity.
Test Step 7. Check for Faulty Relay.
1. Using a digital multimeter, mea-
to step 2.
sure resistance between power
Resistance Less Than 80 Ohms -
Figure 74).
should be 80 to 100 ohms.
Proceed to Test Step 11.