TM 5-2420-231-23-1
Table 1. Transmission Does Not Shift into Reverse - Continued.
10. Monitor and record front display
Transmission Does Not Shift
Front Display Screen Indicates
screen (Figure 4, Item 2) for out-
Output 2 Shorted or Open - Shift to
into Reverse - Continued
first gear neutral. Press M button until
Each output will display G for a
front display indicates neutral (nA).
good circuit, S for a short to
Proceed to Test Step 9.
ground circuit, or O for an open/
Front Display Screen Indicates
short to voltage circuit.
Output 2 and Output 3 Shorted or
Open - Shift to first gear neutral. Press
M button until front display indicates
neutral (nA).
Proceed to Test Step 11.
Front Display Screen Indicates
Output 8 and Analog Outputs 00
Shorted or Open - Shift to first gear
neutral. Press M button until front
display indicates neutral (nA).
Proceed to Test Step 15.
Front Display Screen Indicates
Output 3, Output 8, and Analog
Outputs Shorted or Open - Shift to first
gear neutral. Press M button until front
display indicates neutral (nA).
Proceed to Test Step 17.
Figure 4. Front Display Screen and Powershift Lever.