TM 5-2420-231-23-3
1. Install new O-ring (Figure 3, Item 2) and fitting (Figure 3, Item 15) on hydraulic oil filter assembly (Figure 3,
Item 14) and tighten nut (Figure 3, Item 1).
2. Install new O-ring (Figure 3, Item 12) and fitting (Figure 3, Item 13) on hydraulic oil filter assembly (Figure 3,
Item 14) and tighten nut (Figure 3, Item 11).
3. Install new O-ring (Figure 3, Item 6) and fitting (Figure 3, Item 8) on hydraulic oil filter assembly (Figure 3,
Item 14) and tighten nut (Figure 3, Item 5).
4. Install new fitting (Figure 3, Item 7) on fitting (Figure 3, Item 8).
5. Install two new O-rings (Figure 3, Item 10) and hydraulic oil filter restriction switch (Figure 3, Item 9) on hydrau-
lic oil filter assembly (Figure 3, Item 14).
6. Install new O-ring (Figure 3, Item 4) and fitting (Figure 3, Item 3) on hydraulic oil filter assembly
(Figure 3, Item 14).