tion of the electrolyte, and sputtering during the
Refer to starting instructions for make of en-
charging cycle. This may result in battery freez-
gine involved located at rear of this section.
ing and corroded terminals.
2. Keep terminals clean and tight. Dirty or loose
Before starting engine at beginning of work
shift, or at any time machine has been shut down
f o r adjustment or time-off period, perform the
3. Keep vent plugs in place, and tight to prevent
following checks.
entrance of foreign materials into cells.
1. Engine oil level.
4. Check specific gravity regularly with a hydro-
m e t e r , and recharge or replace batteries that
2. Engine air cleaner.
continually show a low reading.
3. Hydraulic system oil level.
Service other electrical components as follows:
4. Cooling system.
1. Visually check all wiring for worn or cracked
5. Fuel supply.
insulation and loose terminal connections.
6. Transmission fluid.
2. Clean and tighten loose connections on cranking
7. Tire pressures.
switch, relays and sender units.
Service units at this time if inspection indi-
3. Clean and tighten external ground straps, and
cates the necessity.
replace if badly frayed or corroded.
Caution: Disconnect safety links before mov-
To avoid unnecessary cranking because of air
i n g machine.
locks in cold fuel oil, change fuel oil only when en-
gine is hot; then start and run engine after filter
change, and check that there is no fuel restriction
MICHIGAN machines do not require extension
or leakage.
preparation for cold weather operation beyond ad-
dition of a permanent type anti-freeze to the cool-
When not in use, machine should be parked or
ing system, and a change of engine oil to a viscosity
stored in a closed garage or building during cold
suitable for anticipated temperatures in which the
weather to reduce cranking effort when starting a
machine, is to operate. At temperatures below 0oF.
cold engine. It is particularly important in starting
a change of oil in the main hydraulic system to
the engine that it is not accelerated to governed
the fluid recommended for this temperature, will
speed or a load applied until the oil has become
aid starting by reduction of resistance in the main
warm enough to circulate to all bearing surfaces.
pump. Probably the most important item to insure
prompt starting is proper maintenance of the elec-
trical system, especially the batteries.
Hold engine at idle speed for approximately
two minutes after starting; then while engine con-
B a t t e r i e s must be kept fully charged at all
tinues to warm up for the next few minutes per-
times, since in cold weather the capacity to deliver
form the following checks.
full power is greatly reduced. A fully charged bat-
tery at 15oF. is capable of delivering only 70% of
1. Engine oil pressure gauge.
its rated amperage, and at lower temperatures be-
comes even less efficient. Service batteries weekly
as follows:
3 . Air pressure gauge.
1. Add distilled water to cover plates and separa-
4. Engine temperature gauge.
tors but do not overfill. Overfilling causes dilu-
[ 20-01-1 ]