After the machine has been properly checked
lower bucket, set parking brake, and shut down
and the operator has familiarized himself with lo-
engine before leaving operator's seat.
c a t i o n and function of the various controls, the
machine should be operated according to instruc-
Never Leave Machine with Bucket in Air:
Never leave machine without first lowering bucket
tions in the following paragraphs.
so that it rests on the ground. Make sure all control
levers are in neutral position and engine shut down.
A careful and efficient operator of heavy equip-
Watch Bucket and Direction at All Times:
ment must be guided by simple and fundamental
Keep your eye on the load and always face or look
rules of safety. He must take the necessary pre-
in the direction machine is traveling.
cautions to insure the safety of others as well as
himself, and must avoid careless operating habits
Avoid Greasy Hands and Floors: Keep hands,
which cause damaging accidents to machinery and
f l o o r s and controls free from water, grease and
mud to insure non-slip control.
The use of this machine is subject to certain
Never Get On or Off a Machine in Motion:
hazards that cannot be met by mechanical means,
Never get on or off a machine that is in motion.
P o s i t i v e l y in no case should anyone ride in the
common sense.
bucket, or on the outside of the machine.
Warning: Use safety links when servicing ma-
Stop Machine to Lubricate or Adjust: Stop all
chine. Do not stand or work in step area(s) when
operation and shut down engine when cleaning, ad-
machine is running. There is no room in this area
justing, or lubricating the machine. Tie red WARN-
for a man when machine is turned.
ING tag on steering wheel, turn off ignition switch
The following are a few of the primary sources
and remove key.
of injury to workmen.
Never Lift Bucket Over Ground Crew: Watch
1. Repairing and servicing equipment in danger-
for ground crew and other workers on foot while
ous positions.
machine is in motion. Never swing bucket over a
truck cab. Sound horn as a warning when ap-
2. Striking other persons or vehicles with the ma-
p r o a c h i n g ground crew, and before setting ma-
chine in motion.
3. Unexpected violent tipping of the equipment.
Keep Brakes in Proper Working Order: At the
4. Unexpected violent shocks or jars to the ma-
first signs of brake slippage, stop machine, inspect
and repair brakes promtply.
5. Uncontrolled traffic involving other vehicles.
Never Transport Load With Bucket Fully
Raised: The nearer the ground that the bucket is
6. Hazards from limbs of trees or overhead ob-
held, the better the stability, especially on slopes or
when turning machine. Approximately 15 inches
from the ground is best.
7. Leaving earth-moving or other equipment in
dangerous positions unattended.
Bucket Position for Travel: Raise bucket ap-
proximately 15 inches off the ground and tip back
In order to help prevent accidents the follow-
to afford maximum visibility.
ing safety rules should be observed at all times.
Always Set Brake to Hold Machine When
Do Not Leave Machine Unattended: Do not
P a r k e d : Set parking brake lever when parking
l e a v e machine unattended with engine running.
machine. If on a grade, block wheels.
A l w a y s place directional shift lever in neutral,
[ 15-01-1 ]