removing cylinder to prevent dirt from en-
B. If system still fails to function, remove tubing
tering valve.
at valve and actuate valve.
2. Check valve gasket for damage and replace
1. If valve is not functioning, it must be re-
if needed.
placed. See Parts Manual.
3 . With cylinder removed, actuate system to
2. I f valve is functioning remove tubing and
d i s t r i b u t e lubricant.
clean thoroughly. Then reinstall tube at valve
end and actuate valve.
B. When replacing empty cylinder, follow steps 1,
2 & 3 in Instruction A.
3. If fuel is discharged from tube, remove and
disassemble atomizer and clean screen and
C. Periodically check all connections for leaks. Al-
b l o w out orifices. Then connect tubing to
so check valve mounting bolts and cylinder studs
atomizer and actuate valve. Fuel should be
for tightness.
emitted from each orifice of atomizer. This
indicates proper functioning of the system.
D. Periodically test unit for proper functioning.
D i s c o n n e c t tube from atomizer and remove
4. Disconnect tubing from atomizer and rein-
atomizer. Reassemble atomizer to tube, then ac-
stall atomizer. Reconnect tubing to atomizer.
tuate the system. A fine mist-like spray should
be emitted from each orifice of the atomizer.
It is important to idle an engine 3 to 5 minutes
E . If system is subjected to moisture, spray valve
before shutting it down. This will allow lubricating
with a plastic coating.
chambers, cylinder head, bearings and shafts.
The ether cylinder is disconnected from the
Residual heat can damage many parts ranging
valve and the valve and cylinder end are capped as
from valves to fuel pumps. The latter suffer from
a safety precaution during shipment of tractor. It
gums and deposits remaining after residual evapo-
will be necessary to hook-up the cylinder in the fol-
ration. In addition, the physical stresses from ex-
lowing manner prior to initial use of the system.
pansion and contraction can cause distortion,
1. R e m o v e cap from valve and cap from end of
permanent warping and gasket failures. In some
cases, oil seals and cylinder sleeve seals suffer bad-
ly, although the results may not appear until much
2. L o o s e n cylinder mounting bracket and lower
cylinder to valve.
To shut down a G.M. Diesel, turn ignition
3. Screw cylinder into valve and tighten cylinder
switch OFF; then pull engine fuel shut-off control
mounting bracket.
(forward T-handle) up and hold until engine stops
r o t a t i n g . After engine stops running, replace T-
handle in its original position.
If the system fails to function it may be neces-
sary to trouble shoot the system as follows:
I f after pulling fuel shut-off control, engine
c o n t i n u e s to operate, the engine emergency air
A. Check the cylinder for tightness and fuel sup-
shut-off control (rear T-handle) must be pulled to
the up position. This T-handle will trip the latch
assembly securing air shut-off valve inside air in-
1. If cylinder is loose, it should be tightened fin-
take housing, thus starving the engine of air and
ger tight.
p r e v e n t i n g further combustion of fuel. Replace
control T-handle in its original position and man-
2. If the cylinder is not loose, it should be re-
u a l l y reset latch assembly at air intake housing
moved and weighed. (Empty cylinder weight
before restarting engine.
is 17 ounces).
[ 25-01-2 ]