Check Before Moving Shovel: Walk around
Maintain Proper Tire Inflation: Check tire in-
machine to make certain that no one is in "danger
flation pressure daily to provide best operation and
a r e a " before entering operator's compartment.
longest tire life. Particular attention must be em-
Sound horn before moving machine.
p h a s i z e d when checking hydro-inflated tires as
there is less volume of air to provide cushioning.
Do Not Operate Machine Without Instru-
ments: Each gauge on the instrument panel serves
Select Proper Speed Range: Operate machine
as an important check point for operating condi-
at speeds consistent with conditions on the par-
tions of the machine. Do not operate machine if
ticular job. Extra caution should be used if wet or
gauges are not functioning properly.
icy conditions exist.
Be Courteous: Always give loaded equipment
Maintain Shovel Balance: Keep bucket close to
the right of way.
the ground for balance when tractor shovel is tra-
veling up a steep grade.
Portions of above safety precautions taken
Do Not Use Bucket as a Brake: When going
from Data Sheet D-256 by permission of National
down a steep slope do not use bucket as a brake.
Safety Council.
[ 15-01-2 ]