out of pile keeping load low, and deliver load to
desired dumping position.
The following steps give proper procedure for
setting the machine in motion. Refer to Operating
When grading or excavating, bucket should be
Controls Diagram, Figure 9.
in the level position. Feather boom control lever
1. Raise boom and bucket approximately 15 inches
to the DOWN PRESSURE position to face bucket cut-
above the ground by pulling backward on boom
ting edge against the ground as machine moves
control lever. Then roll bucket back to afford
maximum visibility.
If cutting edge does not penetrate the ground
2. Place directional shift lever in position for di-
immediately, use bucket control lover to incline the
rection of travel desired. When shifting from
angle of the cutting edge slightly to give better
forward into reverse, or vice versa, always de-
p e n e t r a t i o n . When cutting edge penetrates, use
crease engine rpm and stop machine momen-
bucket control lever to adjust bucket to level posi-
tarily while making shift.
tion to avoid excessive penetration. The operator
may manipulate boom and bucket control levers
3. Select applicable speed range for operating ma-
slightly to maintain a good grade as machine moves
chine. Speed range and directional shift levers
are so positioned that it is convenient to load in
low range forward, and back away from pile in
When maintaining a grade, machine should be
driven in low speed range at sufficient throttle to
high range reverse by gripping both levers at
make an accurate cut. When the end of the cut is
the same time.
reached, pull backward on bucket control lever to
High range should be used when traveling ma-
tip bucket back against the stops, then raise boom
chine for comparatively long distances without
so that bucket is approximately 15 inches off the
a load.
ground for carrying to dumping position.
A shift from a low speed range to a higher speed
range can be made when machine is in motion,
When transporting the load, travel speed of
by momentarily letting up on accelerator, mak-
machine will depend upon the length of haul, and
ing the shift, and again depressing accelerator.
kind of surface over which the machine must pass.
Rough terrain calls for a fairly slow speed. When
When making a down shift, accelerate engine
the bucket is full, it should be carried approxi-
t o syncronize engine and drive shaft speeds
mately 15 inches off the ground. Never transport
when transmission clutch re-engages.
load with bucket fully raised. The nearer the
4. Release parking brake.
ground the bucket is held, the better the stability,
especially on slopes or when turning machine.
5. Gradually apply pressure on accelerator pedal
until desired travel speed is reached.
Approach truck, railroad car or hopper raising
the boom until bucket safely clears top edge of unit.
Place speed range lever in low, and directional
A t proper clearance height, place boom control
lever in forward. With bucket control lever, adjust
lever in HOLD (neutral) position. Move machine up
bucket to the level position.
to place bucket inside the dumping area, position-
ing Tractor Shovel perpendicular to side of unit to
When loading from a stockpile, drive into pile
avoid spillage, and to distribute material evenly.
with cutting edge parallel to the ground, and push
Apply service brakes, which will automatically dis-
cutting edge into pile until bucket is nearly full.
engage transmission FORWARD clutch. This not only
Then pull boom control lever back to raise bucket.
p r e v e n t s machine from creeping forward when
A s bucket raises, pull bucket lever back to tip
engine is accelerated, but also provides maximum
bucket back against stops. Continue to raise bucket
hydraulic working power for bucket cylinders.
with boom lever until it breaks out of pile. Back
[ 35-01-1 ]