w h e n fluid is at operating temperature. Hot oil
This section of the manual is divided into
flows more freely and carries more foreign material
two major categories -- LUBRICATION arid MAINTE-
NANCE. The LUBRICATION portion is to be used in
with it.
c o n j u n c t i o n with Chassis and Drive Line Lube
Cleanliness of the oil used and of the system
Charts found in the rear of this section. This sec-
cannot be overemphasized. Oil added to the reser-
tion contains the recommended intervals at which
voir should be poured through a 100 mesh screen.
the machine should be serviced such as Daily or
Filters and breathers should be serviced regularly.
Shift, Weekly or 50 Operating Hours, up through
should always be drained after working machine
a 1000 Operating Hour schedule.
Additions required to maintain fluid level in the
Lubrication is maintenance, but the items de-
system should be made with the same fluid as is in
scribed in the Lubrication portion are only those
the system, however, on occasions may be made
that pertain to the actual greasing or oiling of the
with another approved lubricant for a given tem-
machine, including the level checks and the drain
p e r a t u r e range. Preferably the lubricants being
and refill procedures.
mixed should be from the same manufacturer. The
original fluid should not be diluted more than 50%
The MAINTENANCE portion contains recom-
b y adding another fluid. When these conditions
mended checks and adjustments over and above
cannot be met, the system should be completely
those found in the LUBRICATION portion.
drained and refilled.
The maintenance schedule is based on hours of
Lubricant changes for the different prevailing
normal operation recorded on the hourmeter. A
ambient temperature ranges specified should be
more practical schedule should be developed for
made by complete drainage and refill. Occasional
each job application. Make changes in the basic
s t a r t u p s in temperatures above or below the pre-
schedule as required based on the type of work
vailing ambient temperature ranges specified, for
machine is doing, the rate at which it is worked,
a given lubricant, will not require a complete
and how it is being worked.
change of lubricant. When the temperature, how-
ever, at startup is consistently above or below the
range specified for the lubricant in the system, a
The importance of proper lubrication cannot
complete change of lubricant is required, using the
be overemphasized. It is the most essential single
lubricant specified for the prevailing temperature
factor in a well planned preventive maintenance
program. Refer to lubrication charts to locate the
The lubrication charts herein specify the
various points to be serviced.
recommended lubricants for the various points to
be serviced. NOTE: Lubricant specified on lube
Before servicing machine always wipe dirt and
charts for UPC in the Transmission / Converter and
foreign material from grease fittings, clips, plugs
Main / Steering Hydraulic Systems are for use in
or covers to prevent dirt, grit or foreign material
prevailing ambient temperature ranges above 0oF.
f r o m entering into mechanisms. When checking
( - 1 8 o C.). For additional approved lubricants for
various lubricant levels, machine must be level and
use in various ambient temperature ranges refer
areas around all fill and level plug openings cleaned.
to charts below.
S y s t e m s requiring draining at specific intervals
30oF. (-1C.) & Above
SAE 30 Engine Oil, API Class SD or SE, MIL-L-
2104B or MIL-L-2104C.
- 1 0 F . (-23C.) & Above
1. SAE 10W Engine Oil, API Class SD or SE, MIL-L-
2104B or MIL-L-2104C.
0 F . (18 o C.) to 30F.
2. Type C-2 Hydraulic Transmission Fluid.
[ 40-01-1 ]
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