Engine Equipment
tighten the lock nut, while holding the adjusting screw,
when the proper setting is obtained.
The electrical circuit is de-energized under normal
The automatic electrical shutdown system shown in
Fig. 5 protects the engine against a loss of coolant,
operating conditions. When the engine is started, one
overheating of the coolant, loss of oil pressure, or
oil pressure switch opens when the oil pressure reaches
overspeeding. In the event one of the foregoing
approximately 5 psi (35 kPa) and the fuel oil pressure
conditions arises, a switch will close the electrical
switch closes at approximately 20 psi (138 kPa) fuel
circuit and energize the solenoid switch, causing the
pressure. As the engine speed increases, the second oil
shutdown solenoid to release the air shutdown latch
pressure switch opens at approximately 27 psi (186
and stop the engine.
kPa) and at 1000-1100 rpm, the No. 1 switch in the
overspeed governor will close. The water temperature
switch remains open
Fig. 5 - Automatic Electrical Shutdown System Diagram
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