Figure 52
Apply a light coat of Permatex No. 2 on the outer di-
ameter of the oil baffle oil seal. Press seal (lip of seal
up) in oil baffle. Lubricate baffle seal ring. Position
flat with no twist on baffle.
Figure 50
With pump gear bearing locating ring in housing, tap
gear and bearing in housing pump bore. Rotate pump
gear to expose snap ring ends. Install snap ring being
certain ring is in full position in groove.
Figure 53
Install oil baffle on impeller using caution as not to
damage baffle oil seal.
Figure 51
Install new "O" ring on impeller hub. Secure hub to
impeller with lock plates and bolts. Tighten bolts to
specified torque. Bend a corner of retainer plate over
flat of hub bolt. Install hub bearing and secure with
Figure 54
retainer ring.
Install impeller hub gear and secure with retainer ring.