26. Install inner spindle nut on spindle. Wrap several
24. Lubricate lip of hub and drum oil seal with Lubri-
turns of .010 inch to .020 inch shim stock around
plate. Position hub and drum on axle (Fig. 179). Care
splines of axle shaft to protect splines. Install spindle
should be taken to align hub and drum assembly
nut socket wrench, Part No. 945940, on nut (Fig.
with spindle so that no cocking of inner hub bearing
181) and tighten guide bolts lightly against axle
occurs when sliding assembly on spindle. If difficulty
is encountered when trying to position the brake
drum over the brake shoes, check for improper ad-
NOTE: The tapered roller bearings utilized in wheel
justment of slack adjuster. During installation, slack
hub must be preloaded in accordance with procedure
adjusters must be adjusted to minimize brake spring
steps and specifications given below. One of two
methods may be used in adjusting the required pre-
load on these bearings. It should be noted that pre-
load specifications differ for use of new bearings
and when wheel bearings are being reused.
25. Continue to support hub and drum with hoist. Position
internal gear and hub on axle so that it engages
splines on spindle (Fig. 180).
F i r s t (Preferred) Method
27. Tighten inner nut while rotating wheel hub in both
directions until there is a slight binding (Fig. 182).