Fig. 30. Reinstall Retaining Pins
Fig. 32. Torque Mounting Bolts
22. Lubricate cylinder retaining cap packings with brake
worn to less than 0.450 thickness or shows evidence of
fluid and install in retaining caps. Reinstall retaining
damage, it must be replaced.
caps on torque plate with original bolts and washers as
shown in Figure 28. Torque bolts to 38 to 42 ft. lbs. with
27. Reinstall brake head on axle as shown in Figure 32.
dry threads.
Torque mounting bolts to 220-240 ft. lbs. dry. Close
both bleeder screws and reconnect hydraulic brake line
23. Install carrier and lining assemblies in torque plate as
to piston retaining inlet cap.
shown in Figure 29. If lining material is worn to 1/8 inch
thickness replace lining.
Bleed Brake System: After reinstalling brake head
assembly on machine, the brake system must be bled to re-
24. Reinstall carrier and lining retaining pins in torque plate
move air bubbles and air pockets left in the system.
as shown in Figure 30. If pins are deeply grooved, they
should be replaced or rotated so that grooved end is
NOTE: It is recommended to use a bleeder hose on bleeder
opposite the end of carrier and lining.
valves whenever possible to keep fluid away from linings.
Keep master cylinder filled during the bleeding process.
25. Reinstall locking bolts in torque plate. Make sure the
locking bolt is aligned with the groove in the retaining
1. Open bleeder valve (see Item 1, Figure 33), and actuate
pin so that it may perform its function. See Figure 31.
brakes several times until fluid coming from bleeder
valve is free of bubbles. Depress brake pedal and close
bleeder valve, then release brake pedal.
26. Inspect disc for undue wear or damage. If disc has been
2. Open second bleeder valve (see Item 2, Figure 33). De-
press brake pedal several times until fluid coming from
bleeder valve is free of bubbles. Depress brake pedal
and close bleeder valve, then release brake pedal.
3. Actuate brakes several times.
4. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until no bubbles are observed in
fluid from bleeder valves.
5. Repeat entire process at each brake head to finish bleed-
ing system.
NOTE: Master cylinder must be kept full at all rimes.
Recomended brake fluid SAE 70R3,
Fig. 31. Reinstall Locking Bolts