5 . Place the same thickness of shims under the same
caps as was removed during disassembly If these
shims were lost or damaged start with .030 in.
( 0 . 7 6 2 mm) shams under each cap. Install the
caps (23) and capscrews (3) but leave the cap-
1. Drain fliud from housing. Remove cotter pins (26).
screws loose.
flange nuts (25). washers (2). O-rings (24) and
flanges (1) from mid-mount.
6. With the capscrews loose. measure the rolling
resistance of the shaft in inch pounds Record
2. R e m o v e capscrews (3) and bearing retaining
this reading.
(23) Mark caps and wire shims to caps to Insure
correct installation.
Torque the capscrews to specification and mea-
sure the shaft rolling resistance again and record
3. Use a soft hammer and drive shaft and bearing
assembly from housing. One bearing cup (6) Will
come out with shaft assembly Assembly can be
Bearing preload is determined by measuring roll-
removed from either end. Tap remaining bearing
ing resistance. This value is determrned by sub-
cup from housing
tracting the rolling resistance measured with the
c a p s loose from the rolling resistance measured
4. R e m o v e old seal (22) from bore of cap and
with the caps torqued Note that all values are mea-
remove O-ring (5) from outside of cap
sured with the flanges removed
5. Press bearing cones (10) from shaft (9).
Example :
10 lb/in (8.68 kg./cm.) caps torqued
Assembly and Adjustment
3 lb/in (2.60 kg./cm.) caps loose
1. Thoroughly clean and Inspect all parts
2. Press new bearings (10) on shaft (9) Be certain
bearings seat tightly against shoulders on shaft.
When properly adjusted the mid-mount bearing
Note positron of bearings in diagram
assembly, with no flanges, should have a rolling re-
sistance due to preload of 6 to 8 lb/in
3. Coat outer diameter of seals (22) with Number 2
Permatex and install them in the bearing race re-
taining caps (23) These are oil seals; the lip of
8. Install the flanges (1) on the splined. Note that the
the seal must point toward the inside of the hous-
flanges must be aligned (in the same plain). In-
ing when caps are Installed. Coat O-rings (5) with
stall the O-rings (24). washers (2) and flange nuts
grease and Install them in the groove on the out-
(25). Torque the flange nuts to the same value as
side of each cap (23).
specified for the transmission output flange nut.
Lock the nuts with cotter pins (26).
4. Place shaft and bearing assembly into housing.
Tap bearing cups (6) into position against bear-
9. Install plugs, breather and fill with trans. fluld.
ings. Lubricate bearings with trans. oil.