Use Part Number 949188, fitting, which is an
adaptor that fits all Tyrone valves to measure
pressures. (Fitting includes 91F-03 O-ring.)
ents are damaged it is good practice to replace all
Clark Equipment Co. does not recommend re-
of the seals or plastic components.
building of bushing mounted main hydraulic sys-
t e m or steering system pumps for the following
1. U s u a l l y when one component part of a pump
Caution: Do not attempt to remove any of the
fails all surrounding parts are damaged beyond
b r o n z e bushings from the aluminum housing. If
t h e bushings are removed, the housings will be
2 Many times a part may look satisfactory but, in
fact, be close to the end of its useful service life.
1. R e m o v e the snap ring (66) from the housing
If a pump is repaired with a marginal part and is
(31). Remove the nuts and washers (29 and 30)
installed on a machine, problems will result.
and separate the housing (31) from the housing
(32). Press the seal (65) from the housing (31).
3 Often the time and labor spent in repairing a
pump, machine down time, etc., is much more
2. Remove and discard items 33, 34, 62 and 61.
costly than simply replacing it with a new pump.
Remove the gears and shats (37 and 59). Re-
move and discard items 38, 39, 53, 56 and 57.
4 A rebuilt pump can be expected to give only
70% to 80% of the flow that could be given by a
3 S e p a r a t e the housing (52) from the housing
new pump.
(48). Remove and discard O-ring (44).
5. R e b u i l t pumps are not guaranteed by Clark.
4 S e p a r a t e the housing (48) from the housing
Roughly 60% of rebuilt pumps fail in the first
(78). Remove and discard items 67, 68, 85 and
few revolutions of work. Thus all labor, parts
86. Remove the gears and shafts (71 and 83).
and time is wasted with no warranty backup.
Remove and discard items 74, 75, 81, 82 and
The main hydraulic and steering system pumps
on the Models 175B and 275B Tractor Shovels are
Caution: Care must be taken during installation
made with aluminum housings and bronze bush-
and assembly of main hydraulic pum to prevent damage
ings and are not designed for rebuilding. If any of
to pump housing flange. The pilot collar of the pump
the gears or housings or bushings are damaged, it
housing flange must be properly aligned and seated to
will be necessary to replace the entire pump.
prevent cracking of hydraulic pump flange.
5. Thoroughly clean all of the component parts of
If, however, any of the seals are plastic spacers
the pump assembly. Examine all parts for nicks,
and seal supports are leaking or damaged they may
burrs, scratches, foreign material and signs of
be replaced. If any of the seals or plastic compon-
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