2. Loose cap screws
Possible cause
Sticking spool
Problem No.7
Oil leaks between the adaptor plate and pump
Problem No.6
Oil leaks between the valve and adaptor plate
Possible causes
1. Faulty O-rings
Possible causes
1. Faulty O-rings
2. Loose cap screws
2. Orifice plugs missing from spool
The adjustments for the steering diverter valve
are exactly the same as the adjustments for a steer-
Problem No. 3
i n g sensor valve as described on page A-24-19.
NOTE: There is only one difference between the
Valve shifts at too high an engine RPM
s t e e r i n g diverter valve and the steering sensor
valve. In the steering sensor valve, bypass flow
Possible causes
is directed back to the suction side of the pump,
in the steering diverter valve bypass flow is di-
1. Worn steering pump
rected to help the main hydraulic circuit.
To check for worn steering pump:
1. Install a flow meter in the discharge port of
the steering diverter valve. The return oil
When troubleshooting the steering Diverter valve,
from the flow meter can be routed to the
remember that it is only one of several components
reservoir. Warm the hydraulic fluid to
used in thesteering system. Becauseall the compon-
ents must operate correctly to have the system op-
erate correctly, it is a good idea to examine the
pump, cylinders and the steering control valve to
2. Accelerate engine to maximum and check
see that they are all in good operating condition
the pump flow at 100 PSI. Record the en-
gine and the pump GPM.
Problem No. 1
3. Increase pump pressure to 1500 PSI with
Slow steering at low engine RPM
the engine at maximum RPM. Record the
pump flow (GPM) in the engine RPM.
Possible causes
4. Flow measures in step 3 must be 80% or
1. Stuck spool
more of the flow measured in step 2. If it
is less than 80% the pump must be re-
2. Broken spool return spring
3. Spool orifices plugged
Problem No. 4
Problem No. 2
Valve shift at too low of engine RPM
Extremely fast steering at high engine speed
Possible causes
Possible causes
1. Incorrect steering diverter valve adjustment
2. Orifices in the spool plugged
1. Stuck spool
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