TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NTRANSMISSION NEUTRALIZER GROUPL O C A T I O N O F T R A N S M I S S I O N N E U T R A L I Z E R G R O UPThe transmission neutralizer group is fastened tothe front of the transmission case. Rod (5) is connect-ed to the direction selection spool, of the selector andpressure control valve group. Cam (7) is connected tothe direction control linkage from the transmissionselector lever.TRANSMISSION NEUTRALIZER GROUP(Neutral Position, Engine Running)1. Piston housing. 2. Chamber. 3. Piston. 4. Lavers(two). 5. Rod. 6. Housing. 7. Cam. 8. Spring. 9. Direc-tional control cable.The transmission neutralizer group moves the dir-ection selection spool to the NEUTRAL positionwhen the parking brake is engaged, or when the airpressure in the brake system goes below 140 to 205kPa (20 to 30 psi).OPERATIONParking Brake Not EngagedWhen the parking brake is not engaged, air pres-sure from the air reservoir goes into piston housing(1). The air enters chamber (2) through an air inletport at the top of the housing. The air pressure movespiston (3) down. The movement of piston (3) causeslevers (4) to move apart, against the force of spring(8).When the transmission selector lever is moved toeither FORWARD or REVERSE, cam (7) moveswithout any resistance. If the selector lever is re-leased, it will stay in that position.Parking Brake EngagedWhen the parking brake is engaged, the emer-gency and parking brake control valve is activated.This valve is located at the base of the steering col-umn. It is connected by a cable, to the parking brakecontrol knob under the steering wheel. When thecontrol knob is pulled up (engaged position), theemergency and parking brake control valve isactivated.This valve stops (blocks) the air pressure to theneutralizer valve group, parking brake pressureswitch and the parking brake.When the air pressure to the neutralizer valvegroup is stopped, pressure in chamber (2) decreases.When the pressure in the chamber goes below 140 to205 kPa (20 to 30 psi), the force of spring (8) causeslevers (4) to come together. The movement of thelever causes piston (3) to move up, toward the top ofchamber (2).TRANSMISSION NEUTRALIZER GROUP(Neutral Position, TopView)5. Rod. 7. Cam. 9.Directional control cable. 10.3-49Switch. 11. Switch.
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