TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NDIFFERENTIALSDIFFERENTIAL AND BEVEL GEAR GROUPTopView Of Front Differential)1. Case.8. Bearing cup and cons.2. Bearing cup and cone.9. Nut.3. Adjustment ring.10. Lock.4. Side gear.11. Nut.5. Carrier.12. Thrust waahar.6. Bolts.13. Piniona.7. Bearing cup and cone.14. Spider.A differential divides or causes a balance of thepower which is sent to the wheels. When one wheelturns slower than the other, as in a turn, the differen-tial lets the inside wheel go slower in relation to theoutside wheel. The differential still sends the sameamount of torque to each wheel.Bevel pinion (24) is connected to a yoke. The yokeassembly is connected to a universal joint from theoutput transfer gears. Pinion (24) is connected to theyoke assembly by splines. Pinion (24) is engaged withring gear (17). Ring gear (17) is fastened to thedifferential group. Differential carrier (5) is fastenedto the axle housing.15. Bearing.21. Bearing cup and cons.16. Waaher.22. Thrust waaher.17. Ringgear.23. Shims.18. Case.24. Pinion.19. Sidegear.25. Housing.20. Adjustment ring.The differential group has a case (18). Ring gear(17) is fastened to case (18). Case (18) is fastened tocase (1) by bolts (6). Inside the differential group isside gear (4), spider (14), four pinions (13) and sidegear (19). Spider (14) is installed between the twocases. When the cases are turned, the spider turns.Pinions (13) are installed on the spider and are en-gaged with the teeth of side gears (4 and 19). Theaxle shafts are connected to the side gears by splines.Side gears (4 and 19) turn against thrust washers (12and 22). Pinions (13) turn on bearings (15).Nuts (9 and 11) and lock (10) are used to make anadjustment to the end play (bearing preload) of bear-ings (7 and 8) for pinion (24).3-52
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